Which Newborn Photo Package is Best for Your Family?

Now that you’ve welcomed your newborn into the world, you’re ready to capture every single beautiful moment. You’ve chosen Edwardsville photographer, Conner James Photography, to snap up your memories. But you still have some choices to make when it comes to your photos. Should you select a mini newborn session, a full newborn session or a Grow With Me photo package? Let’s dive into each package now so you can make the best decision for your family. 

Mini Newborn Session: First-time and even second, third and fourth time parents love this package. It certainly is a customer favorite and here’s why: For just $399 you get a full two hours of just your newborn being photographed in the Conner James studio. Baby photographer Christine and her newborn assistant dedicate these two hours to your newborn ONLY. In this timeframe, your newborn will be photographed in wraps of differing colors and textures, safely placed in multiple props with unique backgrounds as well as naked shots to conclude your session. Please note that naked photos are taken only at the parents discretion. While Christine is skillfully apturing this milestone in your baby’s new life, every image is projected on a TV in the studio. Moms, dads, grandparents, and the like, love seeing these newborn photos in real time. And trust us, it doesn't make it any easier to choose your images. With this package you also receive one digital composite photo as well as a private online gallery with 20 high resolution digital images of your choosing - complete with a print release. 

Full Newborn Session: This package is pretty popular and gets purchased a lot when there are siblings in addition to your newborn. At $459, Glen Carbon newborn photographer Conner James Photography gives you two hours of studio photography that effortlessly involves your immediate family. So, mom, dad, brothers and sisters of the newborn all get their photos taken together. In addition, the newborn receives his or her highly sought after individual photos. Just as with the mini newborn session, the baby will be featured in multiple wraps and photographed using a variety of props and backgrounds. You will also receive one digital composite photo and your private gallery consisting of the 20 high resolution images you have chosen.

Grow With Me Package: For many, this package is the best investment. By dedicating $940 to Glen Carbon, Illinois newborn photographer Conner James Photography, you get the following:

  • Mini Maternity Studio Session (2 hours, 15 high resolution images)

  • Full Newborn Studio Session (2 hours, 20 high resolution images)

  • 6 Month Studio Session (2 hours, 15 high resolution images)

  • 9 Month Studio Session (2 hours, 15 high resolution images)

  • 1st Birthday Studio Session (2 hours, 15 high resolution images)

After each shoot, Christine emails you the proofing gallery so you can select the images you’d like her to edit. And all photos come with a full print release. You can rest assured knowing that with this package, every single milestone moment for you, your newborn and your family will live on. That’s what makes photos taken by Conner James Photography so extraordinary; the most precious times of your life are memorialized with the utmost beauty and grace.

Outgoing Link:

  1. [Book Now Webpage](https://www.connerjamesphotography.com/booknow)

  2. [Edwardsville IL & Glen Carbon IL Chamber of Commerence](https://www.edglenchamber.com)

  3. [City of Edwardsville IL](https://www.cityofedwardsville.com)

  4. [Happily Ever Photo](https://www.happilyeverphoto.com/)

  5. [Professional Photographers of America](https://www.ppa.com/)

  6. [Village of Glen Carbon IL Website](https://www.glencarbonil.gov/)

  7. [Glen Carbon Centennial Library](https://glencarbonlibrary.org/)